Forum Discussion

Mark_Cloutier's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 20, 2017

Connection limit in 12.0 HF4 that is not wanted.... worked fine in 11.6.0 HF5

I just had to backout a migration of a virtual server from a LTM (3600 bigip running 11.6.0 HF5) to a VCMP guest running on a 5250 VCMP host. The guest is running 12.0.0 HF4. The virtual server supports an application called Composite which basically provides a virtualized SQL front end to multiple databases.. I have a client tcp protocol to allow 60 minutes of idle time as some of these queries take that long to run. All of that worked, and works fine again now that I have moved back to teh 11.6 LTM. The move took place yesterday morning, and this morning when the apps started up, several of them displayed the following error. Error in connecting to jdbc:compositesw:dbapi@DALPROD:9601?domain=composite&dataSource=Putnam&traceLevel=off&paramMode=omitCursors, An exception occurred while executing a request: "handshake 109 217". Cause: "The connection limit of 100 has been exceeded.[dbchannel-1918008]".[jdbc-1906507] I have not intentionally set any connection limits in the pool or on the virtual server. Is there a different default behavior in 12.0 that is causing this?


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