Forum Discussion

Dave_Pisarek's avatar
Jul 17, 2019

Persistence based on XML data



Working on an issue where we need to persistence when user disconnects from the wored network to a wireless network and their IP changes. The application is a CRM that does not allow cookie insertion and does not have a sessionid or jsession that I can base session persistence on. When a user opens this application I can see the below data in the stream and was wondering if we can utilize universal or hash persistence based on the userId or uuid fields in the xml content. Is this possible and would it be a simple irule to create? Does anyone have an example by any chance.


POST /application/solarsessionmanagement/ClientSessionService HTTP/1.1

Accept: text/xml, multipart/related

Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8

SOAPAction: ""

User-Agent: xxxxxxxxxx

Host: xxxxxxxxxxx

Connection: keep-alive

Content-Length: 655


<?xml version="1.0" ?><S:Envelope xmlns:S=""><S:Body><ns2:callSubroutinesWithAddlData xmlns:ns2=""><arg0><userId>testuser</userId><uuid>330a48d6-4021-388d-a291-7a1d22171eb3</uuid><sessionType>Solar</sessionType></arg0><arg1><skipRetryAndClose>true</skipRetryAndClose><subroutineArray><uvSubroutines>AAAXU09MQVIuSjJFRS5TRVQuVFRZLkRBVEEAAAEyAAAAAAAA</uvSubroutines><uvSubroutines>AAAQUkVBRC5DT05UUk9MLlJFQwAAATYAAAAAABJNU0cuTk9USUZZLk9QVElPTlMAAAAAAAAAAAH9AAAA</uvSubroutines></subroutineArray></arg1></ns2:callSubroutinesWithAddlData></S:Body></S:Envelope>

2 Replies

  • It has been a while since I tested this iRule out. However, I have used it in the past successfully in 10.x and 11.x code version. The code provides persistence based on jsession id for GET request and xml data for POST request.


    You would have to alter the code to suit your specific needs:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    set HOST [string tolower [HTTP::host]]

    set SRCADDR [IP::remote_addr]


    if { $HOST contains ".v." }{


    if { [HTTP::method] equals "GET" } {

    set SESSIONID [findstr [HTTP::uri] "uuid=" 5 20]

    set KEY [crc32 $HOST$SESSIONID]


    persist hash $KEY 30


    } elseif { (([HTTP::method] equals "POST") and ([HTTP::uri] contains "/amm/ampxml.jsp")) } {


     if {[HTTP::header "Content-Length"] ne "" && [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] <= 1048}{

      set CONTENT [HTTP::header "Content-Length"]

     } else {

       set CONTENT 1048


     if { $CONTENT > 0 } {

      HTTP::collect $CONTENT


    } elseif { $HOST contains "" } {

    pool POOL-suit

    set KEY [crc32 $HOST$SRCADDR]

    persist hash $KEY 14400


    } elseif { $HOST contains "" } {

    pool POOL-vf-suit

    set KEY [crc32 $HOST$SRCADDR]

    persist hash $KEY 14400






    if { (([HTTP::method] equals "POST") and ([HTTP::uri] contains "/amm/ampxml.jsp")) } {


    set HOST [string tolower [HTTP::host]]

    set SESSIONID [findstr [HTTP::payload] "uuid=" 5 20]

    set KEY [crc32 $HOST$SESSIONID]


    persist hash $KEY 30




    • Dave_Pisarek's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Thanks for the response. I will need to test this out and let you know how It went