Forum Discussion

Sergi0's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 09, 2017

GTM and LTM sync links

We have DC1 and DC2 DC1 have one GTM1 and LTM1 (HA pair LTM1-A and LTM1-B) DC2 have one GTM2 and LTM2 (HA pair LTM2-A and LTM2-B)


When I am going to add LTM1 to GTM1 what ip I has to use self ips (LTM1-A and LTM1-B) or floating ip LTM1? What ip I can use for create sync between GTM1 and GTM2 self or floating?


1 Reply

  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    When you add an LTM to the GTM config you specify the IP address of the LTM itself (i.e. non-floating).


    The GTM needs to use the non-floating self-ip so that it knows exactly which device it's communicating with, plus it wants to gather information (Via the 3dns daemon) continually whether the device has active traffc-groups on it or not.