Forum Discussion

Yannick_Vranck1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 19, 2017

Partition almost full


I have the following alarm.

011d0004:3: Disk partition /var has only 18% free

I have done the following command to check what is eating the diskspace: find /var -xdev -type f -exec du {} \; | sort -rn | head -20

epsec-1.0.0-457.0.iso mac_f5vpn.pkg linux_f5vpn.tgz

I was wondering if i can delete the mac_f5vpn.pkg and .tgz files since we will never use SSL vpn on thix box. Or am i missing something, are there other directories i can delete.

2 Replies

  • The zip and the tgz are extensions of TAR archive. Deleting that would not have any impact. Also if you note, its directory is on var. The other is a iso file you can save it.


  • I would check other folders before.

    Do the following command so you can understand what folders is in the /var logical volume:

    df -h

    As you can see /var/log for example, is a different logical volume than /var.

    You can delete files in these folders:

    /var/core - this folder contains core files generated that can be used for troubleshooting, you can delete if you dont need the files.

    /var/local/scf and /var/local/ucs - These folders contains backups files, that you should have already a copy out of the box.

    These are normally the reasons for /var full. If they don't have any file there, is better you find out what is causing that as that is not normal.