Forum Discussion

ldesfosses's avatar
Apr 09, 2019

Retrieving list of virtual does not display iapp.



When I use iControlInterfaces.getLocalLBVirtualServer().get_list(), it only return the virtual created manually, but not the one created with iApp.


Someone replied here : that we should use : System.Session.set_recursive_query_state()


How do I get the object system ?




2 Replies

  • I found code example in PS but not in Java and it appear there is no javadoc...


  • I found it, it's the SystemSession, part of the iControl Interfaces :

    iControl.Interfaces icInterfaces = new iControl.Interfaces();
    icInterfaces.initialize(BigIPHostname, login, password) ; 
    try {
        icInterfaces.getSystemSession().set_recursive_query_state(CommonEnabledState.STATE_ENABLED) ;
    } catch (Exception E) {
        web.println("Error while icInterfaces.getSystemSession().set_recursive_query_state(CommonEnabledState.STATE_ENABLED)") ; 
        web.println(E.toString()) ; 