Forum Discussion

Danny_Arroyo's avatar
Oct 07, 2016

Upgrading Bigip LTM from v11.4.1 HF9 to v12.1

I am running Bigip LTM v11.4.1 HF9 on a 2000 Series C112 hardware platform. Its an HA clustered pair in active/passive mode. I want to upgrade to v12.1. Does anyone know a link or documentation I can follow to perform this upgrade?


Also if you know of any gotchas that I should be aware of, that would be great.


I have an idea of the process:


  1. Create a backup UCS file for both nodes.
  2. Reactive the license
  3. install v12.x in a separate partition on both nodes
  4. Set the new partition as the boot partition and copy the current config

Here is where things get fussy for me


  1. Which node do I switch boot first? The active or the passive node?
  2. Do I have to break the cluster before I switch boot into the new partition?
  3. If I switch boot the passive node first, how do I prevent the passive node from coming up as the active node? Last time I tried this step during an upgrade, both nodes were active at the same time and I would like to prevent this.

Any help is appreciated.


2 Replies

  • Hello, 1-You should upgrade passive one first. 2-After upgrade passive one and boot with new version, you should switch active-passive 3-Finally, you can upgrade the passive one which is originally active.


    You don't have to break cluster.