Forum Discussion

Hardi's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 01, 2019




much appreciate your guidance to achieve the following through iRule;

1- at the TCP level; iRule read the payload and find the client hello header.

2- then search for extension of 229938, and extract the cale to be stored as MSISDN.

3- iRule to strip the extension from the payload and update the length in each header.


much appreciate your support



4 Replies

  • You can use the binary scan command to check the SSL header. I'm confused though - how can you remove the extension from the SSL header? that is quite literally a MITM attack which is what SSL is designed to prevent.

  • Hardi's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    Hi Pete White

    thanks a lot for the feedback, what if I keep the extension but this time the scenario is to forward it to the back-end nodes?

    is there any iRule sample for the same described scenario?



  • Hi Hardi,


    There are SSL commands which you can use to extract the extensions ( ) but of course for that you need to operate at the SSL level. At the TCP level you would have to binary scan the client hello, work out exactly where that extension is and extract only that part of the data. That is quite tricky with variable length headers ie the extension you want may be the first or the third and the SSL header includes a number of variable-length fields. Not easy to do, especially in TCL. I'm sure it's possible but it it more than i could write here.

    Example pseudocode




    when CLIENT_DATA

    binary scan payload

    if client-hello then

    binary scan TLS header

    loop through extensions

