Forum Discussion

James_Thomson's avatar
Mar 31, 2010

GTM iRule to determine which LB method was used

I'm trying to sort out a way in GTM to have an irule log a message when the pool load balancing method "Alternate" is used and the client IP address associated with that request.


I know GTM irules are more limited.


I have the DNS_REQUEST and DNS RESPONSE events available and I can use LB_selected to get the IP address that was selected, but none of that helps me figure out if that IP was selected with the primary load balancing method of Topology or the Alternate load balancing method of Round Robin.



Any ideas?

1 Reply

  • Hi James,


    I don't believe there is a commands within iRule that can display what algorithm it used. I think the main reason is that the iRules are mostly processed prior to the load balance method.


