Forum Discussion

TJ_Vreugdenhil's avatar
Mar 03, 2014

W3C Remote Logging to multiple syslog servers at once


Based on this devcentral link it wants you to create a syslog server pool. I created the pool, but I need all syslog servers to get all the syslog data, not one or the other using an LB method.

set hsl [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool syslog_server_pool]

So is there a way to send hsl syslog data to all servers in a pool or be able to selectively choose which one gets some data based on variables?


4 Replies

  • Selectively choosing a Syslog server would be the easier option I believe. The HSL::open command takes a pool as its destination, so you'd necessarily have to create a separate pool (of one) for each Syslog server, and then switch between them accordingly. As for sending the data to all of the Syslog servers, that's not something the HSL process will natively do. You could create a separate connection for each and rapid fire log to all of them (sounds like a good idea for a proc), or perhaps send the data to a single Syslog instance that then replicates the data to the rest.


  • Thanks Kevin - I ended up using the following and believe it's working.

     From: W3C Extended Log File Examples (IIS 6.0)
    Fields: date time c-ip cs-username s-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem cs-uri-query sc-status sc-bytes cs-bytes time-taken cs-version cs(User-Agent) cs(Cookie) cs(Referrer)
     This iRule will open up to connections to two syslog pools. The desire is to put one syslog server in each pool, so you can send the same syslog data to two pools. 
         Open a new high speed logging connection to the syslog pool named syslog_server_pool
        set hsl1 [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool syslog_server_pool]
        set hsl2 [HSL::open -proto UDP -pool syslog_server_pool2]
    when HTTP_REQUEST priority 999 {
         Save request variables that are not accessible in HTTP_RESPONSE, like the URI, request method, etc
        set req_start [clock clicks -milliseconds]
        set cs_username [HTTP::username]
        set cs_uri_stem [HTTP::path]
        set cs_uri_query [HTTP::query]
        set cs_bytes [HTTP::header Content-Length]
        set ua [HTTP::header User-Agent]
        set cookies [HTTP::header values Cookie]
        set referer [HTTP::header Referer]
    when HTTP_RESPONSE {
         Send the syslog message with a syslog facility of 134 (
         See the HSL wiki page for details on the facilties:
         Replace null values with a hyphen:
           Use string map to replace a "tab space tab" with "tab hyphen tab"
        HSL::send $hsl1 "[string map [list "\t \t" "\t-\t"]\
            [info hostname]\t\
            [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %z"]\t\
            [clientside {IP::local_addr}]\t\
            [HTTP::header Content-Length]\t\
            [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $req_start}]\t\
        HSL::send $hsl2 "[string map [list "\t \t" "\t-\t"]\
            [info hostname]\t\
            [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %z"]\t\
            [clientside {IP::local_addr}]\t\
            [HTTP::header Content-Length]\t\
            [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] - $req_start}]\t\
    • Marvin's avatar
      Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
      What kind of syslog server did you use?? I installed Kiwi syslog server, all logs are being sent to the server but nothing is displayed on the server. What syslog server do you recommend for the W3C logs? Thanks
    • TJ_Vreugdenhil's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
      Hi Marvin - I think when I used this for a client, they had solarwinds Orion setup, but I am not sure. But I don't see why any type of syslog would not work for W3C. I would assume it is something to do with your syslog display filters, or something like that. For testing, just setup basic syslog on the F5 itself under the system > Log > Remote Logging menu. And see if you can see 'regular' syslog messages on your kiwi server.