Forum Discussion

jibarri's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 03, 2018

Service Port on GTM and multiple VS's with the same IP

We have GTM and 2 LTMs ( A and B )for global load balancing. A wideip is set up to distribute the traffic as round robin with the VS on each LTM on a single service port. LTM has the multiple VS's with the same VIP but different port. In case one of VS on one of LTM (A) is having issue, is there any way we can keep other VS's up and running and taking the traffic on the LTM (A) ?


1 Reply

  • Just have them in different pools - the GTM will ask the LTM if the VS is up so it will know the state of individual VSs on the LTM. Just make sure for each wideIP you have a pool with the relevant VS in and you can take one VS out of service without affecting everything.