Forum Discussion

4 Replies

  • You can do a certificate check as far as I know. Nothing along the lines of MDM. Windows phone 9 might have an option but haven't seen that OS as of yet.


  • Salvador_del_Re's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    The problem is that IOS don´t show MAC Address and also don´t send the UUID. In the MobileIron API V1 only can query based on MAC or UUID. The API V2 can query based in the UDID that can obtain with Edge CLient and with MAC Address obtain only in Android. The problema is that MI change the AUTH method and can´t Access without bypass one PHP page.


    • DavisLi's avatar
      Icon for Employee rankEmployee

      If MobileIron can retrieve UDID then there is a chance. I know MobileIron can retrieve IMEI. There is a chance where MobileIron could not create an API account for F5 to integrate with due to global security reasons or what not. Your workaround will be to use UDID and IMEI variables from Edge Client App. Note that sessions from browsers won't work. You can however have users to install certificates.


      This variable should be unique to each iOS and it's called "session.client.unique_id"


      I have reasons to believe UDID and UUID are different variables.


      K12749: Support for using the BIG-IP Edge Client to check identifying information from Apple iOS client deviceshttps://


      Edge Client on Android produces IMEI variable. Edge Client on iOS produces unique_id variable.