Forum Discussion

abbasali31's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 01, 2019

DB::mysql_query_safe, query failed



I am running the following in the lab

BIG-IP 2200

BIG-IP 11.6.0 Build 8.0.482 Hotfix HF8


The error was received before reinstalling (basically factory defaults) and now it came back. I did search f5 KB’s to find a fix but no luck so far. Below is the complete error message.


monpd|ERR|Nov 27 04:05:28.858|17747| [DB::mysql_query_safe, query failed] Error (error number 1507) executing SQL string : CALL AggregateAndDropOld('AVR_STAT_STAGING_ACL', 'medium', @parts_removed) Because : Error in list of partitions to DROP


Can someone shed some light?


Thank You



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