Forum Discussion

bcarreker's avatar
Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus
Dec 27, 2019

How to determine or find the Gateway Address

We have stood up a new F5 in Azure console, and we need to create a route to the network where the back-end nodes resides. Under Network>Routes, I'm creating a route with the following info:

Name: test

Partition/Path: Common

Description: Blank


Resource: Use Gateway....

Gateway Address: IP Address - ????


This F5 we've set up has an external interface ( and an internal interface (


How do we determine/set up what the gateway address should be? The F5 needs to be able to ping a node at

1 Reply

  • Hamish's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    Unless you have a DHCP server for the internal interface VLAN (And thus could send a DHCP request to find out), you will need to ask your network people (Or whoever setup the Azure networks for you), what the default router for the VLAN is.


    Note that I take it you're using fairly small VLANs because at /24 both the internal and external would be on the same network...