Forum Discussion

7 Replies

  • Richard__Harlan's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    You will want to looks at the SSL proxy feature it will allow the backend system to terminate the ssl connection while allow the LTM to decrypt the traffic.



  • I don't know much about APM, but on BIGIP LTM, you can configure the VIP with type = Performance (L4). Not sure if the concept is the same on APM....
  • You could also very simply not apply a client and server SSL profile to the VIP. The SSL will pass straight through.


  • I need to be able to terminate SSL on the BIGIP and pass the client certificate


  • I was told that this iRule should do the trick by one of my colleagues:


    log local0. "Debug: cert_counter : [SSL::cert count]" log local0. "Debug: client ip : [IP::client_addr]" log local0. "Debug: verify : [SSL::verify_result]"

    store the client certificate information in-memory if {[SSL::cert count] > 0}{ table set -subtable Cert_Data [SSL::sessionid] [list \ [SSL::verify_result] \ [X509::whole [SSL::cert 0]] \ [X509::subject [SSL::cert 0]] \ [X509::serial_number [SSL::cert 0]] \ ] 1200 } }

    when HTTP_REQUEST { define values set no_cert "no_cert" set no_user "no_user"

    remove SSL_CLIENT_CERT header HTTP::header remove SSL_CLIENT_CERT remove SSL_CLIENT_USER header HTTP::header remove SSL_CLIENT_USER

    if {[SSL::sessionid] ne ""}{ set id [SSL::sessionid] read the client certificate information in-memory set the_cert [table lookup -subtable Cert_Data $id]

       if {[lindex $the_cert 0] == 0 || [lindex $the_cert 0] == 21 || [lindex $the_cert 0] == 19 }{  
             convert from PEM to DER          
              set the_cert_mod [b64encode [lindex $the_cert 1]]
             log local0. "Debug: sslsession $id"
             log local0. "Debug: the cert 0 : [lindex $the_cert 0]"
             log local0. "Debug: the cert 2 : [lindex $the_cert 2]"
             log local0. "Debug: the cert 1 : $the_cert_mod"
           get the CN or user from the subject
              set the_user  [findstr [lindex $the_cert 2] "CN=" 3 ","]
           copy the whole certificate in DER format to the header
              HTTP::header insert SSL_CLIENT_CERT $the_cert_mod 
           copy the username to the header
              HTTP::header insert SSL_CLIENT_USER $the_user
              log local0. "Debug: SSL_CLIENT_CERT : [HTTP::header value SSL_CLIENT_CERT]"
              log local0. "Debug: SSL_CLIENT_USER : [HTTP::header value SSL_CLIENT_USER]"

    } }

  • I think maybe your problem description was a little confusing. You can certainly use the above rule to pass certificate data to the server as HTTP headers, but that's not technically a "pass through". Once you've terminated the SSL on the client side of the VIP, even if you re-encrypt, you cannot send the client's cert to the server in an SSL handshake. You can send it in an HTTP header though.