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MW1's avatar
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Apr 25, 2013

Possible to build data group from remote web page when client access specific uri?



the goal I have is to write an IP filter for a web site (using an irule), however the list of IP's is going to be updated regularly (several times a day), and ideally should be pulled down from a web page running on a server local to the F5 LTM. It needs to be done based on the URI, and if the client IP is not matched to the list as specific HTTP soap response it returned to the user.


I have seen the IP filtering irules that are available and believe I can rework one easily enough (famous last words!) to do a http respond rather than reject etc, however where I am stumped and looking for guidance is if it is possible for the irule to parse a remote web page as a data group ?



thanks in advance


1 Reply

  • If you're running v11 you can absolutely do this (quite easily) with sideband calls. If you're running pre-v11, you can still do it with the HTTP::retry and HTTP::request commands, but this method is a little complex.



    I would also add that calling out to a remote web server adds a bit of latency. Not such a big deal if you're only doing it once per client session, but it can be significant if you need it per-request. An alternative might be to have an external monitor that regularly updates a data group via cURL requests to the web server.