Forum Discussion

mockykid's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 20, 2013

Remove UDP connection from connection table using iRule


I have the below snippet in an iRule to dynamically create a UDP connection for outbound SIP media:



Pre-establish the UDP connection to allow RTP from Server -> Client (and vice versa)


relate_server {


proto 17


clientflow $source_VLAN $destination_RTP $destination_RTP_port $source_inside $source_RTP_port


serverflow $destination_VLAN $source_outside $source_RTP_port $destination_RTP $destination_RTP_port





I see connections on the CLI as expected…but they are all subject to the UDP timeout setting to be removed from the connection table (example of a live call below, hence idle time = 0).



[root@QORA-LTM-SIP01:Active] config tmsh show sys connection cs-client-addr any6.any any6.any udp 4 (tmm: 0) SIGNALLING udp 0 (tmm: 0) MEDIA/RTP



Is anyone aware of a means to REMOVE this connection entry in the same way that I created it within the iRule? I know to do so on the CLI, but ideally I'd like to tear down the connection in the same iRule that created it...


Thanks in advance!



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