Forum Discussion

Letendart's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 09, 2015

VPE logon page : how to set correctly USERNAME and DOMAIN prior to call the AD ...



I do not find the variables to set in in entry of the VPE Active Directory auth server ...


I've tune a logon page with USERNAME set as Then, when AD auth server it concatenates with the domain set in the AD profile. Thus even if I check or uncheck the split domain !


If I set it as toto I gor a saml error (seems domain is not correctly set ...)


I saw a lot of things everywhere about this subject but can't manage to fix it .


Easy for you ?


Thanks all and have a good day


12 Replies

  • Hi,

    when logon page is defined with split domain enabled, variables will be :

      • session.logon.last.logonname:
      • session.logon.last.username: toto
      • session.logon.last.domain:
    • domain\toto
      • session.logon.last.logonname: domain\toto
      • session.logon.last.username: toto
      • session.logon.last.domain: domain

    AD Auth will authenticate user with variables:

    • Username : session.logon.last.username
    • Password : session.logon.last.password

    if domain is not correctly set, you can assign variables after AD Authentication:

    session.logon.last.domain = expr { [mcget {}]}
  • hey ... it's getting better with the variables but I now get a problem with the SAML


    means AD ans SSo are ok but the adfs request return an error


    anyway thanks for your help !


    • Letendart's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      Hello, see my comment in the attached file ... it was detected as spam :-)
    • Letendart's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      ok I reformat my message and no more spam ... seems it was the hyphen
  • HI, Yes the SAML works when I don't try to change the value USERNAME of the logon page. If I fill the USERNAME value of the logon page with the information I catch in the URL (via an irule) then AD authent works but saml failed. I guess than, doing that (changing USERNAME value), I have also changed other requested values going to the saml : strange (for me) As a reminder I'm trying to implement the ADFS rule on the BIGIP-F5 It run well but the logon page is not pre-filled with the username value givin by the user when connecte to So I have set an irule which get the username and pre-fill the logon page But doing that saml no more run ! I'm not so long of the success but I'm blocked on this problem. cu


    • Stanislas_Piro2's avatar
      Icon for Cumulonimbus rankCumulonimbus
      If you want help, share the irule, the VPE screenshot and box properties (without information about your company).
  • Salut Stanislas, OK I finally found MY problem ... It was a bit stupid : to get a value Inside the uri I had changed the uri itself ! So and then when it goes to the adfs server, request has failed.

    I corrected my error, remains me to be sure I'm using the correct variables : I'm using GLOBAL one,

    that's good practice ?
      set namevals [split [HTTP::query] "&"]
      for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $namevals]} {incr i} {
        set params [split [lindex $namevals $i] "="]
        set pnum [expr $i+1]
        if { [lindex $params 0] contains "username" } 
           { set static::tmp_username [string map -nocase {"" ""} [URI::query [HTTP::uri] [lindex $params 0]]]
      switch [ACCESS::policy agent_id] {
        "O365_USERNAME" {
          ACCESS::session data set session.custom.username $static::tmp_username
  • Hi,

    the use of static variable is wrong as static variables are shared between all virtual servers and connections.

    try this irule doing the same:

    set uri [ACCESS::session data get session.server.landinguri]
    set query [URI::query $uri]
    set namevals [split $query "&"]
      for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $namevals]} {incr i} {
        set params [split [lindex $namevals $i] "="]
        set pnum [expr $i+1]
        if { [lindex $params 0] contains "username" } 
           { ACCESS::session data set session.logon.last.samluser [string map -nocase {"" ""} [URI::query $uri [lindex $params 0]]]

    I checked it successfully:

     sessiondump -allkeys
    e5b4ff31.session.logon.last.samluser 4 titi
    e5b4ff31.session.server.landinguri 38 /?terldfkndlfusernamefgjlhgdflkjg=titi
  • The following irule may do the job as Office 365 request the username as parameter... there is no need to do the foreach loop:

        set uri [ACCESS::session data get session.server.landinguri]
        set username [URI::decode [URI::query $uri username]]
        if {$username ne ""} { 
            ACCESS::session data set session.logon.last.samluser [getfield $username "@" 1]
  • Merci Stanislas, it run perfectly with your last proposal, means :
        set uri [ACCESS::session data get session.server.landinguri]
        set username [URI::decode [URI::query $uri username]]
        if {$username ne ""} { 
            ACCESS::session data set session.logon.last.samluser [getfield $username "@" 1]

    I just had to adapt for my precises concerns. Thanks a lot for your help, I'm now more at ease with the irules, variabl assigns and contexts ... cu