Forum Discussion

Steve_Lattray_5's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 27, 2009

How to configure a virtual server to work on two ports and one being SSL.

I have a virtual server configured on the LTM using SSL. The virtual server is set to except all ports and the pool members are set to x.x.x.x:443. I need the virtual server to work on port 31658 as well as 443. It appears that the load balancer is translating the 31658 port to 443 even though port translation is disabled. I have tried many different configuration but cant seem to get it to work.

1 Reply

  • It sounds like you *need* port translation enabled on this virtual server because you have your pool members listening on port 443 - without translation they won't be able to accept that traffic (they'll be passed 31658, not 443).



    Also, from a best practices standpoint, I'd strongly prefer to simply stand up two virtuals, one for each port. Then point both of them to the same pool. Having a virtual server open on all ports isn't needed here, and it's much more secure to have dedicated services defined.


