Forum Discussion

DM_5174's avatar
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Nov 07, 2007

Case-sensitive URL Redirection

Hello all,



I have created a 4x iRule that will redirect based on specific


words after the FQDN "http://%h/". So if i put "",


i get redirected to the main page, however if you enter "home" or "HOME" (lower case or upper case), it redirects you to the secondary site.



The quesion here is: Can I use RegEX, for example /[H][h][O][o][M][m][E][e]


in the code so to consolidate so i don't have to use two "if" statements?


By doing this, the user can put any of the combo upper or lower and still


get the same result, which is a redirection to "".




if (http_host == "" and http_uri == "/home") {
   redirect to ""
else {
   if (http_host == "" and http_uri == "/HOME") {
      redirect to ""
   else {
      use pool APACHE_WEB_SERVERS




Thank you!


4 Replies

  • Hello,



    If you're running 4.6.x, you can use the tolower function to set the URI to lowercase before doing the string comparison. Else, in previous versions, you can use matches_regex.






    if ((tolower(http_host)) == "" and (tolower(http_uri) == "/home")){






    if (http_host matches_regex "(?" and http_uri matches_regex "(?i:/home)"){



    The ?i: portion of the regex enables a case-insensitive comparison and doesn't capture the matching string into a backreference.



    I haven't tested the i flag, but it's a standard regex option so I expect it would work. If not, you could use the [hH][oO][mM][eE] approach.



  • I have tried the "i" switch and it does not work for the irule version i am running. I have tried the other approach and came up with a 404 error. I think the syntax is incorrect...Can you let me know if this is correct?

    Thanks again!

    if (http_host == "" and http_uri == "/[hH][oO][mM][eE]") {   
    redirect to ""
    else {      
    use pool APACHE_WEB_SERVERS   

  • I assume you're getting a 404 because the request is for /home and that doesn't exist on the web servers in the apache pool.

    Instead of ==, try using matches_regex. Also, you should specify the protocol in the redirect.

    if (http_host == "" and http_uri matches_regex "/[hH][oO][mM][eE]") {   
       redirect to ""
    } else {      
       use pool APACHE_WEB_SERVERS   

  • Awesome! that worked!



    Thanks for the help Aaron!


