Forum Discussion

Vince_Beltz_959's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 18, 2010

Hold Connection / No Pool

Got a proposal from one of our devs this AM, who wants to set up the following scenario on an LTM.



He proposes a group of clients, all trying almost constantly to connect with a VIP. The VIP allows only one connection to be established at a time, holding it until a client closes the connection or 30sec, whichever comes first. There's no data being sent over this connection, it's essentially being used as a token or signal flag (all the clients that can't get a connection freeze a parallel-processed internal task of some kind until they do make one). He sees this as the fastest way for the parallel process to communicate.



Seems fairly straightforward with Connection Limiting and a single box in a pool for the connections to go to. My question is whether there's any way for the LTM itself to hold that connection open for 30sec or until closed by the client, without requiring a server on the other side. I saw an old thread here about using OneConnect, but I don't think that's quite what I'm looking for. Or is it?


15 Replies

  • Interesting. I don't expect that on a standard virtual server. Below I do a telnet to my virtual server (a standard HTTP virtual server on port 80). The source IP is and dest is 10.100.100:80



    10:34:42.137449 IP > S 3192099991:3192099991(0) win 65535


    10:34:42.137839 IP > S 3328880791:3328880791(0) ack 3192099992 win 4380


    10:34:42.137898 IP > . ack 1 win 65535



    So the 3 way handshake is set up. I don't push any data and just let it sit there idle. It stays pinned up, and no RST occurs. 12 or so seconds later I quit my telnet session and we do a graceful close:



    10:35:02.970000 IP > F 1:1(0) ack 1 win 65535


    10:35:02.971151 IP > . ack 2 win 4380


    10:35:02.972023 IP > F 1:1(0) ack 2 win 4380


    10:35:02.972196 IP > . ack 2 win 65535



    In other words, assuming they're not sending data and you're using a standard tcp profile (I'd expect to see [PSH] in your capture, above) the connection shouldn't reset.





  • spark_86682's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    I set up a test VIP with the connection limited to one, and the dev who made the original request just got around to testing. Watching connections via Wireshark, it appears that the LTM is sending a RST almost immediately after finishing the three-way handshake, presumably because there's no pool behind the VIP. Any ideas on what we can do to prevent that?




    The easiest thing you can do is add an HTTP profile. Long story short, the TCP profile doesn't wait for any data to tell the TCP proxy in the BIG-IP that a new connection has arrived, so it will try to load-balance it, which will fail (no pool) and reset the connection as you found. HTTP, on the other hand, will wait for an HTTP request before alerting the TCP proxy about a new connection. Since your clients aren't sending any data, it shouldn't hurt anything.



  • Thanks for clarifying Spark. I also remembered the behavior Matt had described--but I guess that's because I'm normally testing with HTTP VIPs.



  • Sure enough. Good catch Spark, I was testing via the exact same method (with an HTTP VS). For posterity, here's the same routine with a vanilla tcp-profile only VS. As soon as the handshake is done the LTM sends a reset, as you describe:



    03:22:55.971484 IP > S 3698065870:3698065870(0) win 65535


    03:22:55.971485 IP > S 1871870510:1871870510(0) ack 3698065871 win 4380


    03:22:55.971488 IP > . ack 1 win 65535


    03:22:55.972470 IP > R 1:1(0) ack 1 win 4380





  • Just wanted to say thanks - adding the HTTP profile is exactly the simple fix I needed, verified w/Wireshark working perfectly. My dev is (very) happy. :-)