Forum Discussion

sricharan61's avatar
Nov 13, 2019

How can i use an expression in an APM policy to look for a URI path and then set the branch rule accordingly

How can i use an expression in an APM policy to look for a URI path and then set the branch rule accordingly. I could probably setup the advanced resource assignment item and create a bunch of branch...
  • Stanislas_Piro2's avatar
    Nov 15, 2019

    So URI condition matches...

    /Common/AzureADB2BforInternalApps:Common:fdc12271: ./AccessPolicyProcessor/Session.h: 'getSessionVar()': 639: variable found, let's add it to the local cache "session.server.landinguri"="/soandso1/abc/"(length=28)

    and in TCL with && operator, second condition is evaluated only if first is successful

    /Common/AzureADB2BforInternalApps:Common:fdc12271: ./AccessPolicyProcessor/Session.h: 'getSessionVar()': 610: variable "session.oauth.client./Common/AzureADB2BforInternalApps_act_oauth_client_ag.id_token.groups" was not found in the local cache for session "fdc12271"

    but this variable does not exists:

    /Common/AzureADB2BforInternalApps:Common:fdc12271: ./AccessPolicyProcessor/Session.h: 'getSessionVar()': 625: variable "session.oauth.client./Common/AzureADB2BforInternalApps_act_oauth_client_ag.id_token.groups" for session "fdc12271" was not found in MEMCACHED

    look in session variables the name of the expected variable... you may find a variable with "last" to replace the box name like: