Forum Discussion

Tofana_237744's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 24, 2017

Issue with config utility

Hi all.


Bit of an issue accessing the config utility at the moment. I'm using Chrome to access the config utility, but the connection keeps closing every few seconds. A refresh will let me back in, but then drops again. I would also note that the BIG-IP is incredibly sluggish (compared to previous boots) at the moment. This may/may not be related.


After some healthy troubleshooting, I think this is related to my SSL lab work where I reverted to a snapshot on my vm, but something has gone terribly wrong.


I have checked on another vm's very old web browser and can access the config utility without any issues. However, from my desktop using IE (results in "The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address."). I've check the config utility from the old browser, and the self-signed cert looks ok, but I don't think it is.


Is there a way to generate a new self signed cert for my VE, or a way to fix this problem? Am I barking up the wrong tree and missing something obvious?


Any and all help would be much appreciated.




3 Replies

    • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
      Historic F5 Account

      Thanks for the update and glad you got this fixed. I'm not sure what happened there. Will definitely keep an eye out for similar issue going forward.


    • Tofana_237744's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

      Hi Kevin.


      Many thanks for the suggestion. It didn't work for me unfortunately, but I did manage to fix the problem around 2 mins ago!


      I don't know why, but reverting to the self signed certificate (from a previously added CA signed cert) using the snapshot is what caused the problem. I managed to add a completely new signed certificate (different Root CA also) and everything is working as it should be. The boot time and going from offline to active is also a little bit quicker.

