Forum Discussion

Willian_Guilher's avatar
Aug 21, 2014

Remote Active Directory Authentication w/ e-mail address

Hello Guys, I came across a question from a customer today where we've configured Active Directory authentication for users login into the BIGIP. It is working perfectly with no problems. The customer question for me was if it would be possible to use the entire user's email address (DN) instead of only the username alone i.e: instead of only wguilherme. I have configured it on my lab and the authentication works fine, but not with the e-mail address. I tried different approaches but nothing made it work. See below my screenshots of my lab configuration. Do you know if it is possible?




Remote Role Groups


Thank you very much


Willian Guilherme Vancouver - Canada


  • Hey Guys, thank you very much for your help. @nitass your configuration is perfect and worked like a charm. I initially used the following lines, but it did not work even with the userprincipalname because I had the"user-template" configured.

    root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list auth ldap system-auth auth ldap system-auth { bind-dn cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=f5demo,dc=com bind-pw $M$Xz$R6vSMU6JwXX/2bq2Cksu/g== login-attribute userprincipalname search-base-dn cn=users,dc=f5demo,dc=com servers { } user-template

    My new configuration is just like yours.The "User-Template" should be left blank otherwise it will make the BIGIP to use only the userid instead of the combination userid + DN.

    Working configurtion root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list auth ldap system-auth auth ldap system-auth { bind-dn cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=f5demo,dc=com bind-pw $M$vD$R97Nbf7gLgGgbO44TBHByA== login-attribute userprincipalname search-base-dn cn=users,dc=f5demo,dc=com servers { }

    ![Image Text](/Portals/0/Users/187/75/146875/ScreenShot2014-08-20at9.00.53PM.png)
    Thank you very much fellows ;)

4 Replies

  • this is mine.

    root@(ve11a)(cfg-sync In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list auth ldap system-auth
    auth ldap system-auth {
        bind-dn cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com
        bind-pw $M$g2$cTattFzOwB2DzL4ywm9bXQ==
        login-attribute userprincipalname
        search-base-dn cn=users,dc=abc,dc=com
        servers { }
    login as:
    Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
    Last login: Wed Aug 20 19:31:05 2014 from In Sync)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)
  • i think nitass pointed out the issue indeed William, you use Login LDAP attribute samaccountname and nitass uses userprincipalname. usually samaccountname is the old style login and userprincipalname the new style login.


  • Hello,


    Your login attribute should be mail or alternatemail.


    It depends on which attribute is used.


    FYI : DN and email address are different things. DN is more subject (ex:CN) + Base DN


  • Hey Guys, thank you very much for your help. @nitass your configuration is perfect and worked like a charm. I initially used the following lines, but it did not work even with the userprincipalname because I had the"user-template" configured.

    root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list auth ldap system-auth auth ldap system-auth { bind-dn cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=f5demo,dc=com bind-pw $M$Xz$R6vSMU6JwXX/2bq2Cksu/g== login-attribute userprincipalname search-base-dn cn=users,dc=f5demo,dc=com servers { } user-template

    My new configuration is just like yours.The "User-Template" should be left blank otherwise it will make the BIGIP to use only the userid instead of the combination userid + DN.

    Working configurtion root@(bigip1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) list auth ldap system-auth auth ldap system-auth { bind-dn cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=f5demo,dc=com bind-pw $M$vD$R97Nbf7gLgGgbO44TBHByA== login-attribute userprincipalname search-base-dn cn=users,dc=f5demo,dc=com servers { }

    ![Image Text](/Portals/0/Users/187/75/146875/ScreenShot2014-08-20at9.00.53PM.png)
    Thank you very much fellows ;)