Forum Discussion

Angel_Lopez_116's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Dec 04, 2014

Right procedure to shutdown a Viprion system with vCMP

Hi there,   I got a Viprion with two blades, vCMP and several guests, and I wonder which is the recommended procedure to shutdown the whole system.   I don't know if it's enough with a "clsh sh...
  • Kevin_K_51432's avatar
    Dec 04, 2014

    Greetings Angel, It looks like you should shut the guests down with the following command, run on the host:


    tmsh modify vcmp guest all state provisioned


    Then, shut the entire host (or chassis) down with:


    clsh shutdown now


    This information comes from this solution on Askf5:



    Also, probably best to wait a minute when changing all of the guest states.


    Hope this is helpful, Kevin