Forum Discussion

mhite_60883's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
May 30, 2013

Urgent -- Help with import_from_archive_stream() key/cert management API call





I am trying to use the import_from_archive_stream() function as documented here:



I have managed to get the archive stream over to the F5, and I can see that it indeed is untarred into a temporary directory /var/run/tempssl.



However, the certificate/keys are never fully imported. The API call does not return an error but it never installs the given key/cert. (I am only placing 1 key and 1 certificate in the tar stream.)



I suspect there is something wrong with the two arguments certs and keys that I am sending. At present, I am just placing the filename of the cert into the certs argument (in a sequence container of course). Likewise with the keys argument.



The documentation says only this:



certs = The string identifications of the keys to be imported/installed.



keys = The string identifications of the certificates to be imported/installed.



Can someone on the developer side please elaborate on how to properly use this API call? I have a major effort underway to replace all our 1024 bit keys/certs with 2048-bit and getting this to work right is crucial.





