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blwavg_10621's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 06, 2014

How Can you Test WMI Monitor

Hey guys,


I am trying to setup WMI monitor. I am assuming it keeps failing when I type "list ltm node dynamic-ratio" and the nodes ratio is still "1". What are some ways that I can troubleshoot the issue? For example, when you do an HTTP monitor you can use CURL to test and validate.


I completed the following for IIS7.0 - Installing WMI agent on the server:


I am familiar with WMI Monitor Reference for the F5:


Currently we editing the monitor and using a username and password and the windows server shows that the login in failing. We will continue to troubleshoot that.


3 Replies

  • If the monitor is failing due to login, then obviously the monitor is not going to work. I've set up WMI monitors on F5 before to monitor a particular service, and start it up on a second box if the service is not running on the primary.

    To troubleshoot WMI, try executing wmic from the command line (assuming that you're using wmic to run a query), it will tell you why it can't log in to the Windows system. Usually it's something simple such as using a domain account and not escaping the backslash. But if wmic can't log in, then everything else is useless until that gets fixed.

    Try something like

    wmic -U Administrator% // "select * from win32_process"

    If your credentials are correct, that will definitely return sometimg

  • Hey guys,


    I forgot I ended up doing for this issue. I am not longer working on that any more, but thank you for the help.