Forum Discussion

George_33482's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 19, 2014

Root Account deleted

Hi, I have been assigned a small task by copying the configuration "UCS files" from F5 platform to another(3900 to 2000S). Hhmmmmmm easy right? Ok? Everthing went fine except for the Root Account. This Root account, for strange unknown reason on the old device,has been deleted where i cannot see it in the configuration utility(System->Platform). This problem also been replicated/copied to the new device. So, I cannot access the Root via CLI remote access or console on the new device.


I tried to reset the root password from the tmsh "using the admin account" but still i cannot access CLI, i also tried to add the "Root" as a username but i faced an issue "username already exist" or something like that.


Does anybody have any idea what could be the issue or how to fix this???


Regards, George


7 Replies

  • nathe's avatar
    Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus

    George - strange. I've not seen that. Have you tried booting the ltm into single user mode and resetting the root password there? Just a thought.






  • Try using this at the CLI:


    [tmsh] modify sys db systemauth.disablerootlogin value false


  • Hello.!! I have the same issue, but when I tried that command, I receive the error: 01070356:3: Root Account feature not licensed.


    Regards, Katherine Villalobos


  • But, this is a Strongbox unit, so, I generate new licenses, and I didn't select any related to Appliance Mode, and it continues having this feature active.


    Thanks a lot.!!


    Katherine V.


  • this is a Strongbox unit, so, I generate new licenses, and I didn't select any related to Appliance Mode, and it continues having this feature active.


    i understand only applying a new license won't work. you also have to re-install software.