Forum Discussion

DamP_320463's avatar
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Nov 16, 2017

APM SSO with Client-Initiated issue with Form

Hi Devcentral community,

I am facing an issue with APM SSO with Client-initiated configuration.

I have an APM logon page where I have local DB auth that matches the credentials used for login form auth (credentials work if I try to authenticate directly on the web app). The only thing that I don't know if is it correct is the submit part:


Form configuration:

  1. form parameters: username --> session.sso.token.last.username (secure: no) , password --> session.sso.token.last.password (secure:yes)
  2. form detection: URI --> /xxx/weblogin.aspx
  3. form identification: by action --> /xxx/weblogin.aspx
  4. detect login: by Redirect URI --> /
  5. Request method: POST / Request prefix / submit request prefix / javascript injection auto /disable auto submit no

I am able to see that the F5 javascript is injected on the "weblogin.aspx" page but the broser console gives me the following error:

weblogin.aspx:153 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'value' of undefined at __f5submit (weblogin.aspx:153) __f5submit @ weblogin.aspx:153



3 Replies

  • Update:

    I have fixed the javascript but the SSO is not working because the "f5-sso-token" is not replaced by APM during the POST.

  • I have this same problem running 13.1:


    The 'f5-sso-token' parameter within the inserted Javascript isn't replaced by APM.


    The resulting POST to the backend server sends a blank password parameter, i.e. 'username=FirstLast&password=&domain=MyDomain'


  • hi. Is there any workaround for that issue? Is the current version still have a problem?