Forum Discussion

Anesh's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
May 08, 2014

TCP keep Alive Reset

I have a F5 LTM VIP with the below config


Vitrual test{ destination ip-protocol tcp persist { source_addr{ default yes} } pool test profiles{ test_9041{} } snat automap }


ltm profile tcp test_9041{ app-service noce defaults from tcp-lan-optimized keep-alive-interval 60 }


When i telnet to the above VIP, the connection is reset after 60 seconds, this started happening soon after i implemented the keep alive interval for 60 seconds


The Question is why is the connection reset after 60 seconds, even though the idle-time-out setting is default for 300 seconds So ideally the telnet connection should be reset only after 300 seconds, correct??


6 Replies

  • Correct, unless your server is resetting the connection. Can you do a packet capture on the server side and see if the server is sending the reset?


  • Anesh's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    I forgot to mention I am doing a telnet to a https port. Is it because the port expects a ssl handshake??


  • Correct. You are encountering the SSL handshake timeout. You can modify it however you see fit:



  • Anesh's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    But this VIP is SSL passthrough and does not use any SSL profiles


  • I am not sure if you tried persistence profile or not, if not you may try looking into it.


  • Anesh's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

    I am using source ip persistence, and i dont think it is a persistence issue, since i see the record in the persistence table even after the connection is removed from the connection table after 60 seconds.